Sunday, January 25, 2009

Maria de Jesus

Until earlier this month the woman verified by the Guinness World Record as the oldest person in the world passed away.

Just a day after the New Year, Jan. 2, Maria de Jesus died in Portugal, where she had lived on the land her entire life.

The supercentenarian was born Sept. 10, 1893, in Olival, Ourem, and had lived 115 years, 114 days before she died in Corujo, Tomar.

Maria de Jesus married Jose dos Santos in 1919; they had five children before he died in 1951. She left behind 11 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and six great-great grandchildren, according to

Since Jan. 2, Gertrude Baines, at age 115, is now listed as the verified oldest living person in the world. She lives in a nursing home in Los Angeles, Calif.

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