Monday, May 24, 2010

103 year old Going Strong in Pennsylvania

For the past couple of weeks, Gloria Copeland has been doing a series on people who've lived long lives. It's part of a broadcast and print teachings called Live Long, Live Strong.

Her examples of biblical, historical, and modern-day people who have lived long and prosperous lives of good health fit right in with a story found at that ran May 23.

The story, reported by Jeff May, details the life of Gladys Flamer of Coatesville, Pa., who is 103 years old and looking to celebrate another birthday in June.

If I'm blessed enough to live past my tenth decade on this planet, then 103-year-old Gladys Flamer is going to be my blueprint for how to behave after I pass the century mark.

Everyone in Coatesville, Pa. knows Flamer by her 1979 two-tone red and white Cadillac Coupe de Ville. She has remained active in her community, attending church every Sunday, making it to every council meeting, and serving as the treasurer of a local club. She recently retired as a judge of elections.

"Everybody knows the lady who drives this car," Flamer told the Philadelphia Daily News as her car slowly rolled to a stop sign in downtown Coatesville. "It's just like me. It's wearing out, but it's still going."

See Gladys Flamer and read the rest of her story at

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