Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Seniors Director Prepares for Move

PASCAGOULA -- Today, Melani Caver cleared off some shelves and pulled out books to give away at the Pascagoula Senior Citizen Center, part of preparations for the big move to the new facility on Live Oak Avenue.

"We've started packing and moving stuff," she said. "All the new stuff went straight to the building last fall."

Several city employees are expected to come by Thursday to help remove items that normally are not used on a regular basis at the center.

Caver, director of the senior center in Downtown Pascagoula, is reasonably certain that their move to a new building will happen by Thanksgiving, possibly mid-November. The contractor's deadline for completion was Monday, Oct. 11, and he has 30 days to complete a punch list of final items.

"Everything's done as far as they were contracted to be done -- parking, grass planted, curbing and paving. They've even done the lights on the parking lot," she said.

She said gravel on an extension parking lot is yet to be done. "Everything else looks like it's finished," said Caver.

Caver had predicted the move for November last year, she said, but that was before she learned that the center's construction and parking lot were under separate contracts. She said the amount of work needed to lay pipe and complete other infrastructure for parking was tremendous.

She's hoping while still reasonably sure of a move next month to the new Pascagoula Senior Citizen Center. "I hope we get to move in November."

"Our computers are out there. The phones are all out there. If we could move tonight, we'd be functional tomorrow," said Caver.

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